
I used my son`s name snd s.s. no. to get electric service and payed all bills on time with no late pays,?

by  |  earlier

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i left no debt in his name and helped his credit in the process, is this a crime. i no longer am doing this but he found out and now wants money or have me arrested




  1. Yes ... it is illegal and it is a crime.   It is fraud and identity theft.   Just because you didn't hurt him financially doesn't make it any less of a crime.

    You're in a bit of a pickle.  But it is also a crime for him to threaten you, blackmail you, or to try to extort money out of you to buy his silence.  That not only is illegal, but worse ... it opens up a door for him to continue to blackmail you over and over anytime he wants more money.

    So ... here is the good thing ... because you didn't do him any harm (i.e. run up massive debt in his name) and because you honestly didn't know what you did is wrong.   If you go to the authorities and admit what you did, you will probably just get probation or maybe a small fine to pay.   If you can afford a lawyer, I'd go see a lawyer  ... and he can approach the district attorney and work out a deal without getting the police involved ... that lawyer can also help you stop your son's threats.   If you can't afford a lawyer, make an appointment to go see a public defender (free) in the district attorney's office and they can get this resolved for you.

    As an aside ... your son is a world class jerk for doing this to you given that you didn't do any damage to him AND if it was an innocent mistake.   So ... go get it fixed.  Good Luck.

  2. Your actions were certainly unethical, and possibly illegal.  You should have not done it.  But it is past.  

    His threat to you is blackmail, which IS illegal.  If you have proof of his threat, you can report him to the police.

    Hopefully, both of you can get on with your lives.

  3. Yes, it is a crime to use someone elses info to get services, even if it is your own child.

  4. It is illegal and you can get arrested for it. Its identity theft. I would handle my affairs and get everything in order and then turn myself in.

    Have all the bills been paid? Make sure you have receipts or confirmation that all bills were paid and not in current use.

    If they are he cannot try to extort monies from you its blackmail.

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