
I used this picture as a headshot for disney channel....?

by  |  earlier

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because i don't have any recent professional ones and the deadline of the audition is coming up soon,

do you think this was a good choice or is it too S****y?

and what nationality do you think i look? (just curious)

(im not fishing for compliments im just simple asking, if you wanna be rude, then just dont answer -_______-)




  1. If you have to question if you look S****y or not, then why are you asking?  You already know that you do.  

    That bra strap showing is very un-disneylike.  

  2. It would be worth taking a camera and taking some more subdued photos. Include some full body pix too so they know what your body looks like.

    I suspect you are either Arab or Sicilian

  3. youre very pretty but just take it easy on the dont need it!! let your natural beauty show through..

  4. first, i think youre gorgeous.

    second, i think its cute, and flirty,

    and disney is kind of on the scene right now.

    I think you look like Filipino.

  5. a little too much cleavege for Disney u look Kinda  philipine or mexican it really pretty though

  6. i think u look beautifull not S****y at all u look mixed race bit of indian i would say just a bit though  

  7. you are seriously, and honestly, so freakin gorgeous<3

  8. wow your hot... almost as hot as my this girl who has a crush on me

  9. I think you're very pretty, and that is a really nice picture of you. But I have to tell you, I have worked for Disney before, and that is not the kind of headshot they are looking for. The cleavage and the bra strap are total no-no's. When they cast, they usually look for the cute and simple "girl next door" sort of thing, and then they go from there. Not saying that you wont have a chance, but that may be a reason to turn you down. Try next time to go for a tank top or shirt with just a little cleavage, and have the picture be from the top of your b*****s up. Its best to keep your body out of the shot, unless they ask for one like that.

    Good luck with your audition! You have a good look for Disney.


  10. d**n! YOUR PRETTY!

    I think the shirt choice wasnt the best though... cause the cleavage....

    other then that your pretty.

    I don't think it was a good choice..


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