
I used to be able to remember my dreams but now i cant, it's like i don't have them.?

by  |  earlier

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Also my dreams are always EVERYTHING doesn't make sense and just weird stuff happens, things that make no sense in real life. Is this normal?




  1. I agree it's good to have a notepad and pen by your bed to write down your dreams whenever you wake up. A digital voice recorder is also very good for this.

    Everyone dreams... you need to wake up soon after you emerge from REM to remember your dreams.

    The other thing that will really help is to tell yourslef as you are falling asleep: "I will remember my dream" -start doing that, and it may take a while, but it will begin to happen for you and become a habit.

  2. Yes! Dreams of someone who has died might only mean rain! etc.

  3. To help you try and remember your dreams, before you go to sleep try this simple meditation.

    Lie on your back and close your eyes.

    See the ocean as a big stormy one with huge waves tumbling and crashing all over the place.

    Then calm the ocean. In your mind see the waves start to subside, little by little the storm subsides and the ocean becomes calm.

    Sometimes we don't remember dreams because our mind is too cluttered and that will make our dreams cluttered.

    The ocean visualisation will help calm your mind and hopefully help you to remember your patient though

  4. that's why they're called dreams....reality is too boring to forget

  5. maybe you are only a little bit stressed, tired and so your dreams don't have a sense. but don't worry it could happend to everybody

  6. Dreams are remembered only if you wake up during, or just at the end of, a dream. But if you just turn over and fall asleep again, you’re not likely to remember a thing in the morning. So to remember a dream you have to write it down as soon as you wake up from it. It helps to keep a note pad and a pen by your bed and tell yourself, before you fall asleep, that you want to write down any dreams you can remember that night.

    Yes it's normal that you dream about strange stuff.It helps if you write them and try to understand them.

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