
I used to be left side hitter now im a setter?

by  |  earlier

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my coach just changed me to setter from left side hitter because we lost a setter. and they moved the setter to a libero and i guess im a pretty decent setter but i want to get better and i practice alot! any tips




  1. One season I was a hitter and the next I was a setter, though of my choice.  You need to get there before the ball gets to setting level.  Even on good passes you need to hustle.  I have that problem where I time it for a jump set instead of getting my feet there and setting a perfect set to the hitters.  I also set a hitter once and then ask them if it was too low or too high or too in or too out.  Then I adjust your sets as best as you possibly can to the hitters preferences.

  2. just try setting up against a wall for like 20 to 30 minutes a day. you'll get better.

  3. i had a similar problem, i wasnt THE setter, but i was supposed to b the back up setter if the setter sick, or, most likely, if the setter had to pass the first, i set the second, and i had no controll over my sets at all. what we did was we would go to a gym in our spare time and i would stand in the setter spot and she would stand in the different possitions a hitter would b and i would have 2 set her their and the ball had to land right on top of her head, if i missed the set, i kept aiming 4 that spot till i could get 10 good sets in a row to each spot.

  4. set your fingers in a way for setting and always watch out for the ball when it's coming for you. don't set it to low and set it really high for the other player could spike it. ask a friend to trow balls at you so you can run to them and set it. it will take a long practice but you'll progress. do not hesitate for the ball ans id you know that you got it go for it.

  5. Set 500 balls a day.  Every day.  

    Hurry to get to the ball.  You would really like to be nearly stationary when the ball gets to you.  Many setters get lazy and try to time it so that they get to the ball exactly when they need to get there.  (Please do not read this as me saying that setters are lazy.  I said that they get lazy on easier balls.  When they HAVE to hustle, they hustle.  When they do not have to hustle, they sometimes get lazy and just time it perfectly.  I used to be a setter.)  

    Talk with your hitters to see about their preferences.  Tell them you will try to get them what they want as much as possible.

  6. practice setting at home. you MUST get under the ball im time and be ready to get a good set. talk to your hitters and find out how they want you to set them. ask your coach for things you can improve on!

  7. I've become a world class setter by doing these four things...

    1.) While watching TV, bring a ball onto the couch with you. At every commercial break, set to yourself.

    2.) Try doing push-ups with your hands on volleyballs

    3.) Take a set of three brown paper bags (the kind you used to get at the supermarket). Cut down two of them in length, one by a third, and the other by two thirds. Tape to the ceiling of your bedroom or den the three bags. Then, laying on the couch/bed/floor, or sitting on the floor/in a chair, set the ball up towards the bag so it just "kisses" the bottom, but does not crumple it. Switch from bag to bag to get the feeling of setting to different heights.

    4.) Stand extremely close to a wall, and set the ball back-and-forth into the wall in rapid succession.

    Good luck!

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