
I used to be the best on my team, but now coach makes me sub alot more?

by  |  earlier

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I am the best server on my time by far. we had a tournament today and I got subbed out like 4 times! that never happens, I play on a travel team so theres no room for mistakes. I JUST WANT TO SHOW MY COACH IM GOOD, BUT HOW WILL I IF SHE SUBS ME OUT??? I really just want to show her what Im capable of. how?




  1. Coaches love hustle.  Sometimes they will prefer that over skill.  So hustle your butt off in practice.

  2. Oh i know exactly how you feel!! But you really have to look at something else besides  what you might have done wrong because maybe you didn't. If you usually play a lot on a regular basis, your coach may just want to give some other people some more playing time who don't really get as much as you. You can also always just ask your coach. That would save you a bunch of worrying. But other than that, work extra hard in practices and show the coach you want to play more than anyone else!!!!!

  3. You have to talk to the coach about this one. Just ask her, "I never used to be subbed out this often. Is there a performance problem that I can fix, or what?"

    Hopefully, she is just subbing you out to avoid a pre-championship injury, or maybe she just wants you to keep you from getting tired so that when you're playing, you dominate the court entirely.

    However, I cant speak for her, and nobody else can. If you honestly think that you need to be playing more, you NEED to talk to her.

  4. Just play the best you can every time you get the oppurtunity.  Strong play is impossible to ignore.

  5. do your best, and be more aggressive, but you still have to have fun doing it. if you're only doing it for the glory, or for the praise of your coach and friends or whatever, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

  6. show her during practice.

  7. Well first of all if your as good as you say u are ur coach is crazy. It also depends on how many players are on the team. I mean if you have alot then the coach has got to take u out sometimes but i have to admit like 4 times is alot. i play volleyball 2 and i love to stay in the game but if you show ur coach like i did that you don't mind being subbed out after awhile my coach started putting me in more. Its worth a try, and don't act like u hate going out becasue then ur coach won't ever give u a chance. Good Luck - hope that helps

  8. Are you consistent?  And does your coach sub you out consistently, or just once?  Maybe she wanted to let others get playing time, since it wasn't as competetive a match? I think if it only happens once, no biggie.  But if it's happening regularly you should speak with your coach.  Ask her why you're suddenly getting subbed, and if there's anything you can improve to get the playing time you used to.  Communication is the best way to get to the bottom of this.

  9. Just because you are substituted a lot doesn't mean your coach doesn't see you as the strongest player.  It may be part of their strategy.  Statistically I was by the far the best hitter on my team but we were in an all day tourney and matched up against a much weaker team in the quarter-finals.  I played every set of every game before and sat for that entire game.  But then I played for the semis and the finals.  Also, during the last half of the regular season I didn't play in the back row because my coach wanted to give some of her next year potential liberos a little experience.

    The best thing to do is talk to your coach and see what they have to say.  Make sure you don't sound s****. just ask what you can do to get out there more and if there's anything you need to work on.

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