
I used to eat maybe 100cals a day, I now eat about 400cals a day, will I gain weight?

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Will I gain weight or just maintain? I now, eat 400cals a day and I used to eat almost nothing, I still concern over the fact I could possibly gain weight? I weigh 98lbs, so I am still not at my gaol weight, but everyone says not lose anymore, therefor I have decided to maintain for now. Please help me, and be truthful thanx.




  1. you will gain weight, anytime you increase your calories you will.

    but 98 pounds is already TINY.

    how tall are you?

    chances are you're below your recommended weight and have nothing to worry about.

    keep eating though, or else you're going to have major problems.

    you should be eating almost 5x as much as you are.

  2. Umm. you should probably be eating AT LEAST 1400!  I don't care if you're only four feet tall, 98 pounds is too little!

  3. YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. Hospitalization and death is in your near future. Seek medical attention immediately. To maintain your sickly weight you need to eat about 1200 calories. I think I'm anorexic too so please I know what you're going through, please get help.

  4. Please seek help.

  5. ur a joke....ur goal weight is in double digits? if u ever get there no one will congradulate or or say good job cause ull be dead....OMG U R EATING #)) MORE CALS A DAY!! ZOMG EVERY!,

    400 cals is a decent breakfast

  6. You need at lest 600 calories per day just for your regular body functions so I REALLY wouldn't suggest eating less than that.And I don't think that you need to lose more weight

  7. If you don't increase your calorie intake you will die. Minimum calorie intake for those trying to lose weight it at least 1000. You are way to skinny and desperatly need to put on some weight. People telling you not to lose more are looking out for your health and wellbeing so you should listen to them.

  8. you will gain weight, ive done this and i gained loads .. i still havent got to my goal. How tall are you? xx

  9. 400 calories a day will likely kill you if maintained for any length of time....

    go eat a cheeseburger and make your parents happy, and save your life

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