
I used to have cold hands and feet which i know is from bad circulation but

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now ive got really cold sides at the bottom of my back and a really cold bum, like all the time!! Is this from bad circulation too?




  1. Go and see your doctor, being cold is a sign of an under active thyroid, all it takes is a small blood test to establish whether your thyroid is working properly or not. There are many other things that could cause this talk to your doctor.

  2. you probably do have poor circulation. maybe you should go to your doctor.

    my grandma says that if you have cold feet and hands then you also have a cold heart...  

  3. U should C your doc asap !

  4. Me too. I'm always cold. I think there is a certain amount of truth about the circulation. Do you exercise at all? You will find if you do physical activity, even housework, you will warm up considerably.

    Just as a matter of interest, the saying is, Cold hands, warm heart. If you are worried, speak to your doctor, or nurse practitioner. I feel sure they will give you some tips to warm your cold spots.  

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