
I used to have nightmares about going back to school?

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when i was younger I had nightmares about what going back to school would be like. Like going from grade 1 to grade 2 my nightmare was that I would wake up in class, and my grade 1 teacher would take me by the hand and walk me to my new class. This new class was dusty, and everything was falling apart, and things like that, in a way. it looked like it hadn't been used in centuries. And that where i would be stuck for the rest of the year.

Any ways they finally stopped when i was going from grade 3- grade 4, that's when i realized that, "hey this is the same school, with the same people. why would anything change so dramatically?" and the dreams stopped.

So now the problem is, I'm going to high school this year. Things aren't the same, there are new people, and things are changing that dramatically. and the dreams started again. Ok, so there not as unrealistic as they used to be. but they are bothering me none the less. It's all the negative things about high school, amplified to like 20x. It's really bothering me, cuz consiously I now it's not gonna be that bad, but i keep having nighmares... what can i do to make them stop?

*sorry that this is in family and relationships, I dunno where to put it.




  1. Well, I was a freshman last year, and what bothered me most was the dramatic change of pace, new people, more ways to get lost in the hallways, so-called-friends, etc.  I had similar nightmares too, and I got rid of them after calming myself down, and literally saying to myself that everything would be fine.  I mentally pictured having a great day at school, meeting new people, and envisioning everything going my way that first day.  By the end of that little daydream, I was looking forward to high school.  Also, I found it helpful to talk to older siblings/cousins about their experiences and laugh about them together.  Hearing my cousin's embarassing and funny high school stories made me laugh and be excited to make memories of my own with my friends.  I found at the end of these little chat sessions, I was happy to go back. Hope this helps, and good luck!

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