
I used to hear a female voice call my name and it sounded like me. Any suggestions? (No, I am not schizo)?

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Once in a while I would clearly hear a female voice call my name. The weird thing is, this voice sounded like my voice ( I am a female by the way.) I haven't heard it in a few years, thank god because it was very scarey. Any ideas what it was?




  1. If you heard the voice in your mind and not by your ears, then there is no distinction if the source of the voice is male or female, or if it sounded like your voice or not. It only wanted to make you think that it sounded like you. There are certain spirits that are shape-shifters and can use the subconscious region of our mind for communication. If it was always calling your name, then it wants to catch your attention. Review back the incidences of their occurrences in the past and then try to associate them to any major subsequent events that happened around you after you heard those voices. Maybe the voice wanted to tell you something, like some sort of a warning.

  2. I overslept one morning and heard my name called...pretty loud..loud enough to wake me up. Made me think of my mother..but I have no idea if it was her. I would have been late for church. Might have been someone from church astral traveling over to wake me up. lol Who knows?? Whatever used to happen to me..I think a lot of it was people astral traveling ..because I found out later that some people I knew were into doing this. (people in the church I went to)

  3. Well Angels/Spirit Guides I know would not do such things to scare you are mock you. Fallen angels can imitate the voice of anyone and take any shape or form, because the Etheric body/Spirit is vibrating energy/thought waves. So it could be one of them. Maybe.......Lost twin..... nevermind,

    But just ask God, because God knows his creations better than all of us combined. And he will solve this mystery for you.

    Are maybe you can hear you own thought waves clearly. When you are asleep your thoughts become much more louder and clear, maybe it could be that...just a theory, But the best thing to do is pray to Jesus.

  4. That happened to me all the time when I was younger.  After I when to divinity school it stopped.  Don't know if that stopped or it just went away on it's own.  Kind of a weird coincidence anyway you look at it.  Check out Biola University.  Their a little far right now days.

  5. When you hear your voice without a recorder, it is much different than when you hear it from a recording. I used to hear my name being called by a male voice, but when my mother was dying and I was sitting near her bedside, I fell asleep. I heard a female voice whisper my name in my left ear, which woke me up. It wasn't my mothers voice either. A nurse was placing her dinner tray on the table which blocked her from me by a few yards. She said she was sorry she woke me up with the tray of food, but my mother said she was yelling my name over and over and why didn't I hear her.

    I was sitting right next to her hospital bed too, but this voice was right by my ear.

  6. THEREwas a song written by bob  dylan back in 1980 called  "every grain of  sand"

    a couple of stanzas goes like this

    In the time of my confession, in the hour of my deepest need

    When the pool of tears beneath my feet flood every newborn seed

    There's a dyin' voice within me reaching out somewhere,

    Toiling in the danger and in the morals of despair

    I hear the ancient footsteps like the motion of the sea

    Sometimes I turn, there's someone there, other times it's only me.

    I am hanging in the balance of the reality of man

    Like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand.

    so u see there is  a voice  that might be someone else  and  sometimes he thinks  its  himself  ..

    the song is  great  and worth hearing it  truly has a  healing  effect ....

  7. When I was sick and feverish as a little boy, I would sometimes hear my name being called by a whole chorus of different voices. Though I don't hear them anymore, forty five years later I can still remember how scary it was. I now believe it was an aural hallucination brought on  by a high temperature.

  8. angel / spirit guide sounds quite feasable.

    or your inner ego....  i'd go with angel spirit guide.


  9. If this happened multiple times in the same way and no one was actually calling your name, than yes, this was a delusion and I recommend a psychiatric evaluation. I would recommend everyone else who posted on this question to do the same.

  10. OK, well, the doctors thought they heard two heart beats.  there is a type of disorder where twins form they one "absorbs" the other.  in this one twin there are twon personalities and somethimes even two DNAs .  this could be very possible in your situation.

  11. You can pretty easily dismiss the missing twin hypothesis.  There is no reason your parents would lie to you.  And even if they were your sister wouldn't know about it or what your name is.  If she did, then why wouldn't she just come up and talk to you?

    It's far more likely you are experiencing something called auditory pareidolia.  This is when our brain finds a pattern that is familiar to us out of otherwise random noise.  This is also what causes some people to hear things called EVPs or, with visual pareidolia, to find familiar shapes in clouds.

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