
I used to take drugs (quite a lot) and drink heavily, in fact i still drink now ?

by  |  earlier

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about 50-60 units per week, i seem to have an all or nothing personality. I have started doing weird things that at first where funny biut are now scaring me such as putting clothes on inside out, diff shoes on etc my memory is also affecting my job. could this be down to my lifestyle? i like to go and have a drink however i need a way i can cut down how can i reverse these side effects




  1. When I quit all drugs (i was also heavy on drugs) I start to drink alot to point it actually affected my life for while. I will not say what happened that caused me to quit drinking instantly also I realize I have a daughter to be there for. My psychologist told me to start try some hobbies some activities also go meetings for acohol. I start doing hobbies and exercising. It did help alot to keep my mind off the alcohol. If you do want to continue drinking, drink with friends only. It is not good to be drinking alone or everyday. My advise is to quit drinking. Unfortunately what damages are done is not reversible. Try find some clean fun like going to bowling, if your town have a game room with pool table and other games that is not bar, go there with friends. Your true friend will not think differently about you and even better still your friend.

  2. It's the drink making you do this stuff - it's pickling your mind girlfriend!

    You got to cut down drastically or even go tee total for a while.

    If you are unable to do this on your own then go and see your doctor, explain whats going on and ask for some help. If you don't get the booze under control then you going to end up with big problems.

    I quit the booze 2 1/2 yr ago - best thing I ever did.

  3. I have to be honest and say that your question is worrying and I think your 'side effects' could be due at least partly to substance abuse but obviously would need far more information to give a better opinion. I would suggest that you discuss everything with your GP as he/she is in the best position to help you. Good luck - seriously.

  4. You appear to be suffering from alcohol neuropathy, I also suffer from this. Go to your doctor and tell him how much you were drinking and your symptoms, he should put you on a strong course of vitamin B compounds.

    Beware: the effects of heavy alcohol abuse on the brain are irreversable. There is no way to rejuvinate dead brain cells. The most you can do now is to seriously cut down on alcohol and if possible stop, or the symptoms will become worse.

  5. I would recommend that you go and see a doctor and get admitted into some form of rehab at least for a while so that when the side effects of going off all of the alcohol and drugs hit you there will be medical professionals there to help you. After that I would suggest going to AA because almost all people won't be able to kick drug/alcohol problems for very long with out that type of help.You need help and you need to get it right away. This addiction sounds like it is destroying your life, you need to stop it or you will completely destroy everything around you.

  6. If you have a genuine desire to move away from your disastrous and damaging lifestyle, go see your GP. Ensure that you are stone cold sober at the time you meet him, and also not smelling of drink. If you are not apparently in this position when you see him, policy, based on experience, is to send you away.

    Provided your GP is convinced that your desire to reform is genuine he should refer you on to the local Community Addiction Team where you will meet the Alcohol counsellor/team.

  7. It is because you are drinking WAY TOO MUCH!!!!

    Go to an AA meeting

    I don't mean to be unkind but this is for your own good

    Stop it you are damaging your body!!

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