
I used to watch scary movies all the time as a child but as I get older, I can't stand them anymore?

by  |  earlier

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When I was probably 7 to about 14, I would always be up for watching really scary, gory movies with my dad. Moves that were probably rated R. I was definitely scared but I toughed it out and just covered my eyes at bad parts. But now, I can't stand watching. I don't want to watch suspensful scenes, gross images, or anything. I hate the loud clashing instruments in the movies. Is there any reason I am that scared now?




  1. You may have had an experience, or a set of experiences, that changed your mind.  Did you have someone you love die or have someone betray you with your trust?  If this has happened, maybe you don't want to be reminded of the bad part of life.  Maybe you just want to watch happy movies where nothing bad ever happens.  I know must scary movies are not based on reality, but some are.  So I think you probably have changed our views on life (or just matured) over time.


  2. lol, i am exactly the same. My dad always asks me why i don't watch them with him any more :P

  3. Other than you are

  4. I feel the same way...weird

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