
I used vinegar on my face, it's red, & hurts. HELP.?

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I used apple cider vinegar to get rid of some pimples. It just made my face red. On top of that, stupid me decided to pop one and now it hurts really bad. My face is sooo red& blotchy from the vinegar. :( Please tell me some home remedies to help with redness and stuff. I think I might just do toothpaste again...




  1. Toothpaste is not for your face. Chances are if you reacted to vinegar you will burn your skin with toothpaste.

    If it was for acne it would tell you to apply it to blemishes on the tube. Many people wind up burned.

    I know you want something around the house to help but the real answer is fighting the bacteria and drying it up with products made for your face. If you can't afford the 'name' brand many drug stores or Walmart make their own line for a lot less $.

    BUT acne has to be fought twice a day with a wash, toner and spot cream. (sorry).

  2. I will recommend a few things. Hold your face over hot steaming water. Um also if it hurts put a nice hot rag on it. I have some advice about the toothpaste thing its not a good thing for your face some of the things in it can actually cause more breakouts. Back to the redness its red because you have irate-ed the skin and it isn't probably used to that type of thing. So if your trying to get rid of pimples use proactive or clean and clear or also neutrogenia  hope this helped

  3. First off - wash your face thoroughly (but gently, don't scrub), to remove any more traces of the vinegar. Maybe take a bath and keep splashing, rinsing your face until the irritation subsides. After that, try neosporin on your pimples. What I did was start to pop them at night before bed, you don't have to push a lot, just enough to open them up, then put neosporin on. It will ease the infection, which will reduce the redness and swelling. The biggest thing (and hardest) is DON"T PLAY WITH IT!  That's why I do it at night, so then I can go to bed, and not mess with it.

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