
I usually get a lots of complications and want to konw about the actual action which shall be taken by the Law

by  |  earlier

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in the United Arab Emirates... But i am unable to receive a proper information until I undergo the procedures etc.

Is there any phone number / place where all the complications related to Law can be understood and cleared ?

"for example, a person is buying a product worth Dhs. 25,000/- he didn't give me an advance payment but some preliminary paper work is done, which are not very important. Due to his conditions set later, I don't want to sell him the product. What if this person claims that he has given me an advance payment for the same. Will the law require a hand written paper, or they will ask me to give him the advance back which was never ever given... ?

I have many more complications, but i don't know whom to ask .... Thank you very much.




  1. I really do not understand your kind of complications. I think you should not under estimate the preliminary paper work (that's why it's done) where the buyer confirms the payment details after receiving the product/service.

    Point is, that the buyer can not claim any advance pay which was not made without a receipt or witness. On the other hand this person has the right to receive the product and follow the payment instructions. I can not see any objections/conditions why you can not/do not want to sell the product against proper payment unless the buyer is officially announced bankrupt.

    What kind of business are you in and why do you not want to sell your product to the buyer no more?

    If you need legal advice, go through the yellow pages and look for a lawyer specialized in commerical Law.

    Take care.

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