
I v won a peougeot 607 and a cash amount,how do i find out if its for real or a scam?

by Guest34079  |  earlier

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I v won a peougeot 607 and a cash amount,how do i find out if its for real or a scam?




  1. If it states you have to ring a number beginning with 09 then it's 99% likely not what it claims to be- maybe not a 'scam' but you will have won something like a pen or a discount on a holiday for example, or in this case the cash amount could be a fiver! (after spending 10 minutes on the phone at £2 per minute!!)

    Hope you have won a car though, good luck!!

  2. the same answer as everyone else

  3. If you don't have to part with any money or telephone a premium line and all you've got to do is pick the car & money up it's probably ok.

  4. If you haven`t entered the competition then a scam.

  5. If you haven't entered for anything it is obviously a scam, please delete all emails about this and report them as spam, do not answer them or give them any of your bank or other personal details.

  6. Did you ENTER a competition to win a car ? If not it`s probably a scam. Do NOT give any bank details to them, if it`s cash they don`t need your account details.

  7. if it said it on the internet mostlikely a scam or if its a real life thing then if it ask for personal details or credit cad information or bank pins or anything i would have to say its a scam

  8. To win something you normally have to have entered some kind of draw or competition. If the notification came from an unsolicited web site then it is more than likely a scam. If there is a phone number, ring and ask for full details and a verifiable postal address. If you do not get these then it is definitely a scam. NEVER give your bank details to any unknown sources on the Internet, you will lose your money even if you do not sign up for anything. Also, be aware of so called free downloads, most have charges hidden the small print of the terms and agreements which most people never bother to read.

  9. Sounds like a scam unless you actually entered the given comp.

    don't give personal info out

  10. Phone the people who claim you have won this. Make sure they are registered with whoever they need to be. Take along someone else if you go pick up the car, just so you have a witness. I would also suggest possible hidden or unhidden  cameras so if things go bad you have evidence of what happened.

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