
I ve not eaten in like two days ago why does my back an ribs hurt why does it make u tired to

by  |  earlier

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  1. Why havent you eaten in two days? Your body needs energy and it gets it when you eat. If you dont eat your body will shut down as you run out of energy. Have something now!

  2. eating is to people as gas is to cars.  u need to eat before u end up in the hospital or worse.  

  3. your body is digesting itself and you have no energy because food=energy. obviously your brain has rotted a bit too.

  4. OMG girl i did the same thing cuz i was depressed and i didnt eat for two days and i was hurting and had no energy and i had to do manuel-labor in those 2 days also and it was not fun my boy freind that was with me during the week told me f i don't eat he would tell my grandma (i was living with her for a week) and so i ate . . . ALOT!!! (mostly cuz he fixed me food and forced me to eat it ) but hey i felt alot better and had a bunch of energy

    Don't do that to your self trust me it sucks  

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