
I violated probation in mi.a missed drug test but i peed clean the next day. what do you think will happen?

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i have a court date on aug. 8th. i was just wondering if anyone has any idea what kind of money i will need to pay.




  1. Depends on the conditions of your probation, depends on the attitude of your PO.  Technically, you violated.  The court might take into consideration that you dropped clean.  They might not too.  I'd advise not missing that court date.  I'd advise being there an hour early.  I further advise that you do the time, because the consequences are probably much less palatable if you don't.  Just lay down.  You are on paper, do what you have to do (not what you want to do) until you get off paper.

  2. call your probation officer and ask them what the consequences will be...

    i cant see them asking you for money, but maybe since you violated probation they will extend it...

  3. depends on your PO. Are you on good terms with him, that makes all the diffrence, the judge will ask him what kind of person you are and if he has it out for you you could be booked

  4. All I know is that in florida if you violate and miss a drug test, even if you pee clean the next day, you go to jail. I have seen friends put in prison for a long time over a matter of being a few minutes late.

  5. maybe a slap on the hand for missing the test. read the terms of your probation, if you get no wiggle room, then you have violated parole. Only you know what you did and the penalties.If your probation  officer is lenient, then perhaps it will be overlooked this time, but it does raise the specter of you hiding something. You are not a free person, you are subject to on overseer, at least until the probation  is satisfied. Judges can impose what ever they want, so be prompt in the future.

  6. depends on the severity of your crime and how you've done in your probation so far. if this is the ONLY time it's happened, they might let it slide. admit you messed up, but assure them it will NOT happen again.

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