
I visited Costa Rica about 3 years ago as an exchange student, and would like to go back now...?

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When I visited Costa Rica as an exchange student, they company that I traveled with provided all the transportation and tickets and everything. Now that I would like to go back, I am not sure where to begin looking for info about buses and what not, because I plan on returning to a pretty small town that is probably not on most maps. Any good websites or personal advice? Thanks a koala.




  1. Hi, I´m Costa Rican. It would be easier to help you if you tell me which town do you want to visit.

  2. come back to costa rica, dude. what type of info do you need on buses... just relax and come to enjoy. i know lots of people who have come and just adventure by going to one side and other. all the major bus stops are in san jose. what are your interests. what do you want to see or explore. just ask and i'll try to give you that info as a hostels in a nice area...

  3. I'm a tourism agency owner and I'll like to help u but first of all I need to know where will you like to spend your time. Beaches, Forest or just in the capital San Jose. Buses info, not to worry about my self could schedule a pick up for u with no problem. Also if you will like a full trip experience I have the best opportunity for u to enjoy and know fully our country from North to South. Well, just let me know if you'll need my help I'll be glad to be at ur service.

  4. Well sorry to answer your question with a question, but which town are you going to?

    Feel free to contact me with questions, I have travelled pretty extensively in the country and if you let me know where you are going I can help you some more.

    If you want to know more about the country itself, see my articles linked below.

  5. Need more information to really help you.  Where are you going and what is it near?   You can find the bus schedules to major towns on the web and from there you will have to either ask about local busses or take a taxi.   If there is a road there, there is probably a local bus--even if it is a gravel road.

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