
I volunteered to help with a charity but i think what they are asking of me is kinda weird... agree?

by  |  earlier

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I volunteered to help with a charity at my job and we are raising money by auction off gift baskets.. they asked me to go around to various stores and restaurants and ask for donations (mainly gift cards or small items). Is this something restaurants normally do? I have a feelings im not going to have any luck and Im going to have to come back empty handed.. do restaurants really do this??




  1. Yes, they really do. It is a way for them to advertise.

  2. Yes most charities do this now.

  3. I understand your reluctance to ask businesses to donate when you think the request might be considered inappropriate.  This could reduce the effectiveness of your soliciting efforts.  To counter this, I recommend that you *not* request donations from the 1st couple of places you visit.  Instead, interview the owners or mgrs to discover why they consider giving gift cards  to be good for business.  Is it merely a matter of being good members of the community?  Do donations bring in new business?  How do they prefer to be contacted?  If you explain that you are new at doing this, & are seeking information & advice, my guess is that you w/not only understand why business owners are supportive, but become much better & more comfortable w/your role as a volunteer.

    Tips:  (1)  Businesses that depend on repeat customers are the most likely to support your charity by donating.  Try hair & nail salons, spas, tanning booth operators, car washes, chiropractors, lube stations, etc.  (2)  Look in the back of your Yellow Pages to see who is currently offering coupons.  If a business is advertising for new customers, they are more likely to welcome your solicitations.

    Good luck & great gift baskets!

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