
I wake up one minute before my alarm clock goes off.?

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I usually don't use an alarm clock because I get up in the early morning and can't go back to sleep. I recently started setting one to hopfully wake up in the middle of REM to record my dreams. Its strange though because I wake up a minute before it goes off. Its not just because im used to getting up at that time, I set it at an unusual time to catch my REM you know? Why do you think this happens ? Thanks!




  1. people have "times" to get up at that is you;re time that youre ment to get up at and have some sence of enlightenment if you dont fall back asleep

  2. my dad wakes up at exactly 7:30am everyday except sunday without an alarm clock. he says that his body has grown use to the fact of waking up at that time to the point where he doesnt need to have an alarm clock.

  3. My alarm clock makes a soft click the minute before it goes off, as the mechanism inside is getting ready to go off the next time the minute changes.  After waking up to the alarm for a while, my body hears the click and has become conditioned (think Pavlov) to wake up then.  You probably have something similar.

    PS  Waking up during REM sleep sucks.

  4. You have conditioned your mind to wake you up at a certain time every morning.


  5. You are gifted! And in total control of your destiny..


  6. The human brain learns to adapt and overcome to its environment.

    And since you already knew you had the alarm set, you would wake up to see if you missed the alarm going off.

    Nothing paranormal.

  7. Is it possible you wake up more than once and only stay awake because you know your alarm is about to go off?

  8. I do that too. It's weird, itsn't it?

    I will wake up and hear a small click, which is the alarm and less than a second after, my alarm goes off. I have never found a reason and I put it down to either:

    1. My body clock being VERY accurate and waking me.

    2. I just know my alarm too well.

    If you figure it out, e-mail me.


  9. you sense it...?

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