
I walked in on my brother in law snorting coke. What should I do?

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I live with my husband, his parents, and my brother in law who is 17.

I came in to give him his laundry and found him snorting coke.

There was a large ammount on his desk and I freaked out on him.

I started telling him what he was doing was totally against our religion. I took the coke and flushed it.

I came back and he was crying and begging me not to tell anyone. He said hes not addicted to it, that he was just trying it.

But I am not stupid I know whats up. Hes parents would completly blow theyre lid, and my husband would kick his a*s.

Im at a loss. What do I do. I thought about calling my sheikh and talking to him about it, but I feel like that would be back biting.

I disposed of it and took his money. Im tyring to keep the closest eye I can on him. Any suggestions?




  1. I really think that you should get him some sort of counciling. Just "trying" it could turn him into a full blow addict. Best of luck.

  2. Exposure may bring you closure.  You can't keep this to yourself.  Tell you husband, at least.  Decide together what to do next.  You do not want to be an enabler to your brother-in-law's habit.

  3. By snorting, you mean drinking, right?

    Just don't tell anyone. If you feel like telling someone, tell your dog.

  4. Tell his parents!!!  It's better that he get his a$$ kicked by his family than start such an unhealthy, expensive habit.

    Wait, why are you doing his laundry???

  5. If you love him then you should tell. Sure he might be mad a you but trust me he'll get over it. Especially since it was "A HUGE AMOUT" so it obviously wasn't his first time doing it. But I think the best thing to do is to tell his parents and get him help before it gets out of line.

    Good Luck!!!!!

  6. Say If I catch you again,your in deep trouble.Tell your husband though.Keep a good eye on him,

  7. go on a pay phone, dial hes number and when he answers, or the answering machine comes on, just breath. call back 10 minutes later and do the same thing. wait 15 more minutes, then say "snuffol's going to kill you" call back 5 minutes later saying "hold on, i got to take care of something... then get a friend to scream from a distance. then call back 2 minutes later and say " i'm at the door... i'm opening the door... here i come. and that's all. as a heads up, it's really hard not to laugh. i hope i helped.

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