
I walked in on my sister and her boyfriend what should i do?

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OMG!!! the worst thing happened yesterday i walked in on my sister and her boyfriend having s*x it was horrible!!! now every time she looks at me it feels like I'm staring at her and her boyfriend naked! and this brings me back to my question what should i do???




  1. every one know that there is s*x between girl and boy friend, this not problem  try to forget , you can apologize to your sister saying that is not staring at her, and joake with her  to forget

  2. Eeesh akward.

    i don't know what i'd do.

    I mean if they were under the covers it's not to bad and just be like, look lock the door in future

    But if they were but naked and you can see everything

    eek i dno what id do

    the akwardness will eventually wear off

  3. First of all, how old is she and how old is her boyfriend? Since they are not married, I have to tell you that they are both going to h**l! If you cannot get the immage out of your mind, then you will also be damned! Please pray tonght and tomorrow that the Lord God who art in heaven will forgive you your trespasses!

  4. You should apologize and she shouldn't hold it against you if it was a accident. My niece walked in on me and my daughter's father two years ago and I ain't get mad cuz I knew it was an accident.

  5. OH just forget it. Do you really think you can do something about it. Everyone knows what happened, so just let it go.  

  6. ask her was it good

    tell her matt said god bless her cus shes goin to need it

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