
I wan't a small turtle that is going to stay small? Does anybody know the name of these type of turtles.?

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I wan't a small turtle that is going to stay small? Does anybody know the name of these type of turtles.?




  1. Red Ear turtle.

  2. The smallest adult turtles are:

    - Stinkpot (Common Musk Turtle) or Loggerhead Musk Turtle, at 4-5", and is slow growing

    - Mississippi or Yellow-striped Mud Turtles, at 3-4.5"

    - Male Map or Painted Turtles tend to stay under 6", depending on the species... if you can be sure you are getting a male.

    Avoid the Red-ear Slider, or any other sliders, cooters, snappers, etc.- they get 10"+

  3. There isn't any turtle out there that stays small.  Unless you call 10-12" small.  The ones you are looking at are probably baby red eared sliders and they are illegal to sell.  If you find a pet store selling them.  They are doing it illegally. They are common carriers of samonella. -  That is becuz most people dont change water frequently enough on reptiles and turtles were singled out in the 70's.  (now they are illegal).   Good luck in your search!!

  4. Mud and musk turtles are pretty much the only ones that stay under 10". has a classifieds section that often has them available.

    Red ears and other sliders/cooters have been known to have *shells* 16-18 inches long.

    The only way to keep a turtle small is to starve it (and I hope anyone that does so goes to jail for animal cruelty).  A male RES at twelve months old from date of hatching should easily have a 6" shell-females are larger.  At every meal a turtle should get enough pellets to equal the volume of the turtle's head (Reptomin is one of the better ones). Turtles under 3" should be eating two meals a day of that size plus whatever veggies you can get them to eat. At about 3-4" in shell length the food pellets should be cut back to one meal a day and at ~6" it should be every other day.  If the turtle is one of the few species to stay under 6" you could reduce the number of feedings to daily for under 4" and every other day for larger ones to reduce the chance of overfeeding.

    You'll still need a tank with 10 gallons per inch of shell although mud and musk turtles sometimes need a slightly different setup than with RES as some species don't swim too well.  The tank in any case should be 3-4x the length of the shell in width and 8-10+x the length of the shell long.

  5. box turtle for land, and maybe a red ear for water. choose wisely water is a lot of work

  6. ty turtles

  7. I know that Red Eared Sliders get about 8-10 inches (males) and 10-12 inches (female). How small are you thinking? It is illegal to buy a turtle under 4 inches so it wont be too small when you get it.

  8. There are no aquatic turtles that stay small...most get to the size of a dinner plate.  There are some semi-aquatic turtles that stay reasonably small (box turtles) and some tortoises that stay pretty small (Russians).  But what do you mean by small?  It you're talking chinatown quarter size turtle small...there's no such thing.  THOSE turtles are being illegally sold and the FEW that live will get very large.  (They are red eared sliders).

  9. i have three sliders and it taks tim for them to grow and the only other small turtle i know is the musk

  10. red ear sliders get huge. about 8-12 inches.

    look into a mud or a musk turtle. they stay pretty small :)

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