
I wan't to get my boss fired?

by  |  earlier

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Most of the time she is really rude to her employees. Today she insulted me. I asked for more training on the job because they are trying to put me in a higher position. Well the lady who was training me didn't do a very good job, so I didn't wan't to do the job anymore. Because some stuff I still have questions about. Well today she tells me: "Well, you had more training then anyone, you just didn't catch on". To me that sounded like she was saying I was just stupid, my own fault that I didn't learn some things. She changes the schedule constantly and jumps you from shift to shift. Do I talk to the administrator about this? That is our main boss.




  1. Keep your goal in mind and understand that you don't have to like someone to work for or with them.  I have learned that it is good to take notes during training.  Even if you don't refer to them later, the note taking process helps you to identify key points and document important steps.  Plus, if you don't get something you can ask the person to repeat it or to slow down so that you can catch up.  That way it is nonconfrontational and you get the information you need to do the job you want.  Don't fight with your boss, focus on the real obstacle and overcome it.  

  2. find a dirty secret about her..

    follow her 24-7

    its not stocking..its doing an investigation

  3. vindictiveness will be ablot on your soul and it will always come back on you.  What goes around really does come back around and usually ten times worse.  Be careful what you put out there   It was your fault that you did not learn the things you need to do your job. That is not her fault  You cannot just tell your boss that you want to do a different job  Stop blaming others for your own shortcomings.  Take a hard look at self and make the necessary changes or this is going to keep happening to you.  Wake up you are in the real adult world now honey, nobody is gonna cut you any slack at all so toe the mark or get left behind.  Hard but true

  4. In your spare time, start looking for another job.

    It will not turn out well for you, if you attempt to have your boss fired.

    Most bosses stay bosses, unless they are caught red handed stealing, or they murder someone.

    Start looking.

  5. It would more than likely backfire, and you will be the one fired, or she will make your life h**l until you quit. You should try to talk with her again (calmly) and clarify the info you need to do your job.

  6. You certainly aren't talking about a great career move if you are going down this path.  If the job isn't working out for you move on, but taking on your management is a choice that will haunt you in future jobs.  You will be tagged as a trouble maker and not a team player.  

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