
I wan't to volunteer somewhere for NJHS. im only in middle school so iim underage. any adive/help?

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any place near garden grove CA or westminster , or santa ana?

please give me the place and phone number and minimum age please! im in need of hours

there's the librarys, but im not really into that - is there any other place where i could help voluneter , that's good for a 13 year old? thanks!




  1. 13 is young. It will go better if you can find an adult to do the volunteer work with you, but if you don't have one, it's not a show stopper. There are plenty of things a 13 year old can do on their own to make the world a better place. Your school office, community centers (like that library) and churches are great places to ask about volunteer jobs. It's OK that you don't want to work at the library. They still might know of other possibilities. Here are a few local links to browse:

    If you don't find anything quickly, don't get discouraged. Just hold that wonderful sentiment in your heart while you keep your eyes and ears open. Your perfect spot is out there.

  2. How about your local Girls and Boys Club or YMCA?  Please talk to your mother or school counselor about this.  You need to be in a situation where the adults there have had background checks and are known to be safe to be around minors.  This is very important!  Be safe!  Good Luck and Kudos on your volunteer spirit!

  3. FInd an elderly person who lives near you.  Many old people live alone and have no one to help them.  You could help them a lot just by visiting once a week.  We paid someone $250 a month to check on our 88 year old aunt. /

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