
I wana learn how to dance

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i live in southern california and I'm 13 and i want to take dance lessons but I'm really shy and i think i look stupid when i dance. but i still wana take classes like hip-hop or contemporary, and some formal training.

do you know of any good studios or classes??




  1. hey, to take classes is a good idea.

    i'm sure there are plenty studios in Cali :)

  2. See if your mom and dad will pay for you to take a private class.  Also, everyone is shy at first.  I used to teach dance for years.  I used to tell everyone that if you can walk left, right, left, right; then you can learn to dance.  Right now with all the TV shows highlighting dancing, you'll be way ahead of everyone if you take a ballroom class for 8 weeks.  

  3. just go for it!!

    dance is such a great way to express yourself and you don't have to talk, so it's okay if you're shy.

    hip-hop is good, but it's more for the loud.

    ballet is good for quiet people.

    but, if you go to a new dance studio and you don't know anyone there and they don't know you, just pretend like you talk a lot normally, they'll never know!!!

  4. Everybody is shy at first at whatever they do. In dance, you just have to feel that you can let yourself out there.

    Try going to a local community center or something like that to look for classes, private or public.

    Good luck!!

  5. start by dancing in ur room wit the radio on in front of ur mirror its the best way to learn. then dont be shy about taking lessons everyone starts of not knowing wat to do so ur not alone and do it now while ur young cuz ull regret it later in lyfe if u dont take chances in lyfe

  6. it have to be a lot of good studios there  , ask some of friends as well  

  7. try the yellow pages and you wil lbe able to dacne like these guys in no time

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