
I wanna be a business man a extremeley successful one. do you think its neccessary i go to college?

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I wanna be a business man a extremeley successful one. do you think its neccessary i go to college?




  1. it has been done but not often enough to count on it being affective and once you do have the cash you need to know how to manage and invest it.

  2. Yes.

    First learn to use English in a proper sentence.  

    You'll never get anywhere writing communications like that.

  3. No it isn't. Just get out there and start selling anything.

  4. you have to have

    1. an idea - what to sell (services/products, anything)

    2. will to make it happen

    3. actually make it happen.

    university education could be useful in learning stuff, and how you can apply it to your business. but ultimately no one can teach you how to make big bucks. you need to get things done by yourself!

    I'd recommend getting a bunch of business books and biographies/autobiographies of succesful entrepeneurs to get ideas, and then go and make your fortune!

  5. Absolutely necessary.

    Most, if not all, businesses will outright reject you without any kind of useful post-secondary education.

  6. Lots of people were extremely successful in years past with no college. It is much tougher now and lots of competition out there. You might want at least a BA.

  7. I don't think you need a college degree at all as long as you know everything about business or many things about it. Many successful businessman who have no college degree.

  8. Yes, you'll definitely need education to become successful unless you are very inventive & self starting such as Bill Gates.

  9. A few years ago a study was done of people who became very successful in their fields. One of the results was that college was not an imposing factor in the makeup of the respondents. A college or even a university education is always valuable, yet it is more a predictor of middle-class success (roughly defined as income between $55,000-$175,000 a year). The predominate factors defining topnotch success appear to be:

    - doing what you love, not merely what you can do;

    - marriage (I suppose as a stabilizing factor);

    - perserverence (Bill Gates, a college dropout, once said that 90% of success is just showing up).

    The respondents themselves all agreed on one factor; doing what you love, whatever the income. I have an education from a so-called prestigious university, and went to the top in my field (labor unions). I've never seen that education as being much of an element in my 'rise'. I, too, loved my business, and was able to retire at thirty-six. I also have a friend, a musician in Seattle, who never got famous, rich, or even particularly well-known, yet the man loves the life he leads. Who says he is less than a success? When you love anything at all and want to explore, master, and build that love for its own sake, you are one very successful soul.

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