
I wanna be a pilot but dont know where to start?

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Hey, im 14 turning 15 in June. I want to a be commercial airplane pilot when i grow up, or even maybe go into the Air force. But i was thinking when i get older like after im a pilot maybe a plane engineer because i love building things and have a very creative mind. My high school has some of the best art courses in the country and i dont know if that would help with the engineering carrer. But i dont know what to do i want to do it all, but i just dont know what to pick or where to start




  1. Get that engineering degree, and learn to fly at the same time if you can.  It's an expensive way to go, but people have done it.  I would talk to your guidance counselor at school, and make sure you are taking classes that will help you get into engineering school.  Be sure to go as far as you can with math and physics.  Take some advanced placement tests if you can.  The engineering degree will be a good idea for two reasons.  One, it's one of the best paying jobs right out of college, and flying is expensive.  Second, it's a good backup in case the airlines aren't hiring, or you just decide not to fly for a living.  Good luck.

  2. The FAA has some great information on how to choose a school and what to look for when choosing a school. Since they are the ones who will certify you, I think they would be the best place to start. (PS - Even if you are not in the US, there is a lot of good information here.)

    Once you've got that figured out, there is a whole heap more of information available through their web site starting with this stuff:


    hundreds of post to look at for the same everyday question.

  4. This is one of the most frequently asked questions.  Please use the "search for questions" box at the top of the screen to search for previous discussions of this question and the answers.  Also an internet search on "flight instruction" may help, or you can go to the nearest airport with a flight school and talk to flight instructors.

  5. The most common way is via the military.  However, many civilian airports have flight schools that come with a fee.

  6. --Find the local airports.  Speak with some instructors.  Start studying.  Begin flight training.  Work at an airport when you turn 116.  Get your certificates and ratings.  Go to an accredited college.  --Degree in anything.  Instruct during summers.

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