
I wanna be an actress.... but i might die????

by  |  earlier

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im an aspiring actress. there's no doubt in my mind that i wont make it. but im scared. im scared that a crazy fan will shoot me or that i will die in a plane crash like the late aaliyah. i get a horrible feeling whenever i think about it. and really this is the only thing keeping me from my dream. so i can i get over my fear of death. aaliyah died when she was 21. im only 15. will i die? OMG this freaks me out! i have a bad feeling!




  1. You have a the same if not greater chance of being shot everyday while your not famous, but you still get out of bed every morning. Most famous people who die are because they get into the wrong stuff, like drugs, so the final line is, if you really want to be famous, go out and do it! And if you do die from being famous, it will be doing what you love, so you'll be fine right?

  2. If this is something that you really want, you have to make a sacrafic. The chance of dying anyway is so very small and unlikely. Just tell yourself how lucky you are to have these chances and that can take your mind off things.

    Also try this:

    1. write down on a scale of 1- 10 rating how scared you are

    2. write down why your scared?

    3. write down all of the reasons why this fear is silly ex. how often are there plane crashes, i am very safe and i know it

    4. write down on a scale of 1-10 how scared you are now after calming yourself down

    5. read a book or listen to comforting music

  3. Everybody will die someday.  What matters is how you live your life in the meantime.  Dream your dreams, use your talents, and live wholeheartedly for as long as you have, whether it's one more day or 80 more years.

  4. its ok to be scared alot of people are but its not ok to let your fear stop you from doing something you love you have to go for it you could die anytime not just when your famous

  5. just get over it.

  6. It is a possibility that the more you dwell on dieing in that manner, That it is more likely to happen. Think Positive. Don't be hazardous.

  7. You have just as great of a chance of dying in a plane crash as a famous person as a normal person

    I would be afraid of not being able to succeed, but if you feel you can make it then dying shouldn't even be an issue

  8. we all have a very high chance of dying very day.  suck it up     and dont let that get in the way of your dreams  you can get shot anywhere  

    btw: why would  a fan shoot you?

  9. Everyone's going to die. No fuel pump technician in the world's gonna help you out with that one.

  10. If you're meant to die at 21 you will no matter where you are. You might as well be famous/do what you like until...when ever it happens.

  11. reality is, you are not going to be famous enough to be at a "greater" risk in the ways you described.

    any person famous or not can have bad things happen to them. but we cant think about that.

    have faith.  you will be fine.

    its odd to equate fame with death.  i think maybe you need to go talk to someone.

    lastly, dont act for the fame.  act because you love it and want it as your profession.  you can work as an actor without having fame.  you aren't gonna be famous and thats ok.  do this for the right reasons.  if its fame you expect and are after, go pick something else to do.

  12. Everybody dies.

    Not just famous people.

    Either way,

    you're gonna die someday.

    So you might as well..

    suck it up and have fun doing what you love.


  13. First of all it is illegal to carry a gun or weapon in the US,

    there are always police around.. expecaily near a celebrity's..

    If you have a bad feeling don't do it.. You'll get yourself too worried.. if you really want to be an actress go for it.. don't think about death you never really hear of actors or actresses dieing of crazy fans lol you more here normal people getting killed or hurt by people so put that out of your mind and focus on what you really want to do.

  14. Wooo,  sounds like a OCD problem.   Just kidding  Actually your putting  a lot of emotion into the fear of something that rarely happens.    It safer to fly then drive but I bet when you turn 16 you;'ll get your license to drive and drive you will for your career.  Crazy fans.... I 'll take a dozen cause they are the ones that personally pitch you to everyone. They buy your tickets and click on your website 500 times a day. If you have that kind of popularity then you can personally afford to hire a biody guard until then do what every other teenager does and take your parents with you on shoots. Besides they are the ones that will have to drive you to the auditions and bookings.

    Listen  you are procastinating and making excuses as to why you shouldnt   follow your ambition.  These are just a few excuses when really your afraid that someone will tell you your not good enough. I got news for you  everyone you meet will be a naysayer until you book  then they jump on  the (I knew it bandwagon)   Get out there and chase it but you better have heart cause it hard as h**l. Not the acting part of it, the finding and booking work will be your toughest challenge

  15. you're crazy

  16. You could die anytime you get up; it's a risk to walk out your front door. But you do it, because you have used safety in the past so going outside doesn't bother. When you're actress, you'll experience what you need to do to stay safe.

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