i honestly hate myself sometimes...people say "be yourself" okay..i AM myself! i follow what i like...my music,my style,my stuff..there's these 2 girls at my school who basically wanna ruin my life..i dunno why!i came kinda diffrent one day and they were laughing and making fun of the way i looked..i liked the way i look...i was wearing brand new vans, a better hairstyle, new earring, and they were saying how my shoes were bulky and i had chicken legs and i walked in feeling confident..when then i wanted to cry and run out..and i just..dont know what to do...im not a s**t like they are..i have guy friends but im no where near a s**t when im with them.they are!and then they tell my friends "hey don't you think she's being S****y" and tries getting me friends to talk about me!if people say "be yourself and people will like you for who you are"...how does that concept work?i know i should just ignore them..but i don't know what to do..