
I wanna become a female rapper.. im a pretty good poet. but where do i start? ppl say I sing incerdible as wel

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So heres an example. I know ppl will copy my ****... but i always come up with somethin new:

A long walk would be incrimanation Increasing the eyes of infatuation

You say u only see me as a friend nothing else But what happens if im flyer than the girl uve felt You missed out and u can keep wishin

Cuz ur dreams and ambitions

Dont include me

Thats what my love life has been like for a while

But like always single life is pretty in style

I dont copy whats expected

I do whats defective

Love is serious and something i havent seen

Hopefully that someone will be within the mean

i dont really care as long as they are true

But im out cuz tom. i got schoo

Ha. IM hilarious and perfect

why am i not wifed up?

Cuz boys feel they aren't worth it.

Im fragile and rare like glass not a plastic cup




  1. You should try Interscope Records.

    I don't know why you only got one answer. It isn't me, is it?

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