
I wanna brighten my smile using whitening strips....any recommendations?

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0 LIKES UnLike going to get my senior pictures taken soon and i want to whiten my teeth...they are not THAT bad as it is...but....a whiter smile never hurts...anyway...i am kinda confused on all the research i did on different whitening strips...some users say different products worked...while others say the same product didnt work. im basically wondering....from anyone that has any expierience...which strips make your smile the whitest....which ones work best?




  1. I've used the Crest White Strips with some success and don't even leave them on as long as they recommend (as my gums are sensitive if I leave it on for too long).  You don't want to overdue whitening I've heard as some can be too harsh? I've noticed baking soda is in alot of whitening toothpaste as I believe peroxide is. When I've used toothpaste with those ingredients, it keeps my teeth white. I'd just call your dentist for an over-the-counter recommendation to be sure. Also, if you drink alot of coffee/tea or smoke, it is going to make the teeth dark again so I'd avoid those things personally...

  2. that's funny, i'm in the same position for senior pictures. i used crest white strips for a day, and they worked, but my teeth became SO sensitive it hurt to even brush the, the vivid white toothpaste also by crest works well. if you're up for some hurting teeth, i'd say go for it. because they work really well and your smile will look fabulous!

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