
I wanna build a house on my mom's side yard. Where should I go to get some information to get a permit etc?

by  |  earlier

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My mom's old and have an acre land. She agreed to let me build a house right next to her. We wanna use the same address, her garage and my garage will attach to each other. I need to know what should I do first to start this work.




  1. You need to go to your local zoning commission or board. Each city or township has specific rules and regulations on buildings in their jurisdiction. You will need to obtain building permits, inspections and possibly a certificate of occupancy for anything that you intend on building.

  2. You need to go to your county office and get a permit.  Here in our county, you have to have 1.8 acres to build a new house, but each county is different. And since your Mother is older, you could claim that as a necessity and probably get permission to build there.

  3. most zoning laws will not allow 2 dwellings on one parcel of land....this does not include where a duplex is zoned, check with ur zoning officer....

    lic. gen. contractor

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