
I wanna change the world. Where can I start from? Need a little help.?

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I wanna change the world. Where can I start from? Need a little help.?




  1. Start with your self.

    "We must be the change we wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

    "If you wanna make the world a better place

    Take a look at yourself, and then make a change" - Michael Jackson.

  2. It depends upon what you want to change the world into, And the reasons for wanting to change the world .

  3. Get an Education.

    Volunteer with kids.

    Teach kids history so they won't repeat a lot of it.

  4. Start with yourself.

  5. Start a charity to create wells for clean water in Africa, you can save thousands of lives at little cost.

  6. Change the world? Even God couldn't change it.  I wouldn't like to even guess where's best to begin. I dont think its possible nice try though

  7. Start from where you are and then inform us.

  8. how about running for local elections

  9. Changing the world is too big a job for one person.  You'll have to be content to do what you can.  To start:  BE the change you want in the world.

  10. They say it's always best to start close to home, from those you meet every day.  Do a good deed, who knows you may make someone's day.  And they may just return your good deed by making someone else's.

  11. Change begins with youself first, then your house, then your community, I think you know where I'm going after this.

  12. Get rid of all the anti American lying liberals and send them to some where nice like Darfur and they can put Hillary in as Queen!!

  13. what do u mean? change the world?

    like make peace?

  14. changing the world takes a lot. one person can't do it all. encourage all your friends to help. start one step at a time. do simple things to help others and gradually do better things and eventually get up to doing great things. good luck.

  15. maybe its your life you want to change sounds like your unhappy, we would all like to change the world but no-one would agree on the changes.we all have different views on how the world should be.

  16. Start from your deepest passion, the thing you most want to improve first.  Write and submit about it, participate in constructive organizations designed around it, investigate opportunities to become active in it.  I see two answers to you that both basically say one person can't change the world.  Were that true, we wouldn't know such names as Mahatma Ghandi to begin with.  Research which writers, politicians, journalists, celebrities and all others have accomplished in the field of your passion and join them.

  17. From little acorns large oak trees grow.

    Do you want to get into politics to change the world from government or how about becoming part of a team in a charitable organization such as the Red Cross or find work at the United Nations.  Wherever you start and whatever you decide to do be pure of heart and good luck in your future.

  18. There are many people who feel the same way - it's a pity so many in the UK are put down for wanting to make improvements (we are talking about improvements, yes?)

    Let's face it, there are many things that could be improved...

    EG. We could make a noise about the lack of affordable starter homes.

    I know I am only one of many people who want things to be improved and like you, I am finding making contact with the right people heavy going. The vast majority of people are so apathetic...

    But I'm hoping my new website + forum will help enthusiastic people like us to achieve some important (healthy) and desireable Key changes:

  19. Guess you need to start from "go".

  20. This selfless thought is a big change in itself....long way to thesis..but  if u can spare sometime do try n visit to a nearby orphanage or an old-age home...u can certainly make a gud change in their life's....

  21. perhaps start off in local politics, get involved in community business, and look to see if that could lead to a career. You will never change the world, but you could help it along a bit.

  22. Start with changing your own attitude to people and sort yourself out first

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