
I wanna connect more with my hamster..?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I want my hamster to come when I call his name and be excited to come out of his cage.

How can I do this? I try to play him and give him treats all the time but he still seems to ignore me all the time.

What do I do?




  1. don't ask for a book by Richard Gere , what he knows about rodents would not be heplful to you. i would have to agree with the first answer.  

  2. My hamster answers to her name, and whenever I come into my room at night she is waiting at the top of her cage for me to take her out and let her run around on the floor.

    The first thing I'd do is find a spot in your hamsters cage, that when your hammie goes and sits there (in my case, it's the top level on this little twiggy thing) when it wants to get out. You can start training your hamster that when it waits in this certain spot you'll take it out. So like when it actually does sit there (it might not be thinking of getting out) take it out unless it's in the middle of something, and let it run. Keep doing this and eventually your hamster will figure it out.

    As for the name thing, always be saying it's name around it. Just like constantly. Talk to it and use it's name. Say it's name like "Hammie, hammie, come here hammie" (and don't name your hamster hammie, by the way) It's taken several months, but my little hamster knows her name and when I say it she comes to me. It's very handy when they are running around outside their cage. Just call their name and they come back.

    Hope this helps!

  3. i believe Richard Gere wrote a book on this very subject.  ask for it at your local pet store...

  4. Hamsters do not do that.

    I suggest you get a puppy.. or a baby squirell.. they are much smarter and wayyy easier to train.

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