
I wanna date and wear make-up but I don't know how to tell my mom! HELP?!?

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ok my mom says no dating till I'm SIXTEEN!!! but i think I'm responsible enough to handle a guy. She said the same about make-up but i think I can handle not being stupid by putting tons on! I only want to wear eye-liner mascara and eye shadow so... how do I tell her this? It's kinda hard for me to talk to her sometimes though and that makes it tough...




  1. well it can be hard because she (ur mom) doesn't want you to grow up so fast that and she might have had a problem when she was your age but yah tell her for the first couple of dates you will go with friends or supervised and if nothing bad happens then i bet she will trust you but now the make up I am 14 and aloud to wear make up but it can't be dark I have a very pale skin tone so it is hard for me to find make that is light but i have I wear siver eyeliner and light purple cream eye shadow from AVON and brown-black mascara and i sometimes but rarely wear lips stick or gloss but it all depends on ur complextion  ask your mom to come with you to buy make up and she will most likly disaprove of some of them but not all of them this summer i had to tell my mom I had to chose my own clothes but that is my mom IDK your mom so it's hard to tell what to do in your case but try my way. Good Luck

  2. just tell her what you told us. & just express your point.

  3. My mom is really hard to talk to also. She has always let me put on make up. I think asking ur mom to date would be harder. I just asked my mom to come to my room to talk to her. She didt really like the guy but never took the time to know him. I explained to her how he liked me and i liked him and she took it pretty well. She just talked to me about being careful, and about s*x and all. I thought she would get mad and stuff, but i realized that mothers act that way to protect you and when you tell them you let them know you are growing up. So i think you should just talk to her.

  4. Yes, I understand, Just say I want to date, and you can even approve the guys I date. My mom has to know who the guy is I date.

  5. just ask her casually. don't be like mom i want to date, just say like, mom, what would you do if i had a boyfriend? or, mom what would you do if i wore make up?

  6. I had to wait until I was 16 to date (I had a boyfriend when I was 13, and 2 after that before I turned 16)

    They are good guys and worth it if they can wait until you are 16 to go on actual dates with you.

    You can always hang out in groups and stuff.

    As for makeup, tell er you dont plan on looking like a hooker, you just want a few things like mascara and blush, and she can even show you how to use them properly

    I didn't have rules for makeup, but the dating thing, whilewhile the idea sucked when I was your age, isn't so bad once you actually turn 16.  you forget about it all

  7. How old are you? My daughter is 15 and as a mother I can tell you that she will not change my mind about dating. If you are over 13 I can see changing her mind about the eye makeup. Enjoy life. Stay young while you can. Respect your mom. She has been where you are.

  8. you're not alone.. haha.

    so i always go out only if my mom and dad are out of town or something...

  9. start with one thing at a time... ask her about makeup first tell her that you'll gradually put it on and just start with mascara and eyeshadow... waiting till your 16 isn't a big deal believe me. I'm going to be 16 and have never had a boyfriend (can't either) and most of my friends have and all their problems revolve some way around their guy. I didn't have any problems while they were there pissed because their boyfriend did something wrong. just stay with friends and enjoy it. It's good to hang with guys just don't get attached because things get sticky  

  10. just tell her u want to wear makeup but after a while ask her about dating

  11. Tell her you don't like girls that wear a lot of make-up and that you like how she wears hers. Then ask her to help you learn how to wear it. Yes, its kissing up but it might work :)

    As for the dating thing, she's probably right. Wait a bit.

  12. Just say you think you are mature enough to wear make-up, as long as you don't go over extreme with it.  

  13. just tell her straight up that you're growing up and you need to have experience dating for when you're older. tell her that she can trust you to not get too serious and to make the right choices. at least try to convince her to give you one chance to prove you can handle it.

    hope i helped. (:

  14. dating sux.  have fun hanging out with your friends for now, since your mom wont let you date anyway.  believe me, in a few years all of your girlfriends are going to start pairing off and youll never get to hang with them.  so enjoy.  and about the makeup.  i dont c anything wrong with wearing makeup at 16.  just ask her.  if she says no, buy some anyway.  you might get in trouble, but your mom might just get over it.

  15. Well maybe if you had a certain occasion to wear it, maybe you can agree to go to the movie theater or something and you can tell her well I'm going out with my friends and I want to wear makeup, tell her you'll buy it with your own money. I've been using makeup since I was 13 (just when I go out and stuff) and the dating boys I'd say just wait until you have a date and say mom this guy named........ asked me out, we are going to........ etc you tell her time you are leaving, getting back etc. but don't get frustrated I got my first date when I was 17, my mom never said  no, I just didn't actually get the date until then plus I was much more mature and I am glad I got my first date at that age instead of 13 or 14. good luck!

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