
I wanna do squats but will they stunt my growth?

by  |  earlier

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ive heard it can close ur leg plates and stunt ur growth im 15 5 ft 5 and i really dont wanna hurt my growth if it doesnt i can bench like 90 with 6 reps and lat pull down 110 6 reps and do pull ups in sets of 6-8 depends wide spread and close hand open palm so how much should i squat if it's okay to do and how many reps how low do i go?




  1. I heard that lifting anything above your head stunts growth becasue it puts too much on your back or something like that...but not sure

  2. I've never heard of it. Hey I see it as your working out, so your body is going to grow you know? (btw i LOVE the tatse of the lipo protein dude. it is a little hard to mix by spoon and cup though.)

  3. no u are ok.. working out is good for u.. not stunting growth.. it releases endorphines, reduces stress. releases growth hormone..

  4. Squatting does NOT stunt your growth! My mother is a personal trainer and she said that it's an old wives tale.  

  5. No Joe... it wont hurt you... but you dont need a big load to do squats... having good form is very important... otherwise you can easily injure your lower back and your knees... even your neck and shoulders. The thing about squats is that they work a good range of muscles throughout your body...

    There is no contest to see who can bench or squat the most, except in the minds of kids. For sure the guy who benches 220 pounds attracts some attention... and I often see dudes throwing on 500 pounds on the leg press only to leave the lock on...

    If you keep the weight down on the squat.. i.e. you know .. start with maybe 20 pounds... then push your butt back as the first part of the move... and then bend knees, you shoul dbe able to squat all the way down calves to hamstring... then weight through heels to push back up.

    If you cant do 30 of these, lighten the weight until you can. The benefit of deep squats is that it strengthens your calves, hammies, quads and butt.. through the whole range of motion... so they are better than any other.. and deep squats like that also are a great cardio workout... but these also put the most load on your knees, hence go light.

    To concentrate less on your butt, you can do shallower squats.. down to 90 degrees at the knees ... you can load a little more on here... just make sure your butt goes back as the first part of the movement before you bend your knees. Keep your back straight.. don't slouch or you will load the lower back.

    The put more load on your quads you do shallow squats with more weight still. As a beginner, you shouldn't bother yourself with this because the increased load incrementally increases your chance of injury and besides, if you do the deep squats and build those legs up all over... you will have a good foundation under way.

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