
I wanna get drunk, what do I drink?

by  |  earlier

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I mean real f'd up, but not knocked out. I still wanna have s*x after!




  1. Bacardi 151. this will absolutely destroy you, just don't drink more than half the bottle or you may die :)

  2. drink tequila

  3. well i was over a friends house after sum tradgedy and she got wasted just by drinking a mug full of straight tequilla try that

  4. have you heard of Goa Fenni. Go and get drunk. Share experiences.

  5. Rum!

    Something simple like Rum and Sprite is always a good way to get messed up.

  6. take some shots of cuervo and right after bight into a slice of lime and suck the juices out ... the taste isn't bad after a second... i came to enjoy it actualy .. and after like 9 or 10 shots i get drunk but i have a high tolerance ... jose cuervo is 40% alcohal so a few shots should probaly do for most.

  7. going out on a limb here, but maybe you should drink...

  8. Flaming Dr. Pepper!!!!!!  Also try Everclear, Irish Car Bombs, Lemon Drop, Pimp Juice (Hawaiian Punch, lemon juice and Bacardi 151 - It's a drink I created in college), any vodka and tequilla.  After that pop a VIAGRA and hit that ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. lol. Well any hard liquor should do. Drink E&J, Hennessy, or if you mix drinks drink a Incredible Hulk

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