
I wanna get faster i run a 4:45 mile is there anything more i can do?

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I wanna get faster i run a 4:45 mile is there anything more i can do?




  1. thats d**n good...better then me and i guess just keep practicing...the more you practice and work you cardiovascular system is just to work at it like your worked to get at the current time your at!

  2. I am assuming that if you have a 4:45 mile you have some sort of base and you are probably on a track team. What I would do is work on both speed and endurance. On Monday do a track workout that is geared towards speed (400,600,800,600,400,200,200 or something of that nature) on tuesday you needs to be your rest day just run 30 mins easy. wednesday do a 2-3 mile hard tempo run at race pace this will help both speed and endurance. thursday rest again 30 mins east. Friday go for a long run 6-8 miles this will help with your endurance. on saturday and sunday just run 3-4 miles each day. Also just listen to your coach I am sure that he or she has some good advice that you should follow. However a workout weekly workout like this will help alot in getting your time down. Good luck!

  3. i cant tell you you have me by 4 secs

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