
I wanna get ma tongue pierced but i dont know if it is going to hurt me alot. does it hurt alot or a little?

by Guest58660  |  earlier

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because i have friends who say that it doesnt hurt at all!!!





  1. Tongue piercing is very dangerous and can cause speech defects.

  2. Anyone who says that it does not hurt is lying to you. NO piercing that you get is going to be painless. I can tell you that this piercing is not one of the most painful but it ranks up there as a piercing that is uncomfortable for the first 1-2 weeks. When you do get it done, make sure that you see a good piercer who uses sterile needles, etc. The listerine does not really numb it, you WILL feel the sharp metal rod going through your tongue. Along with the good piercer recommendation I will tell you to take motrin 45 minutes before you go and get it done and suck on ice right after you get it done, it helps a ton with the swelling after you get it done. Other than that good luck.  

  3. i got mine done when i was 15 and now i am 21 and still have it lol.. it hurt AFTER i got it done, not so much when the guy actually pierced it.. he made me keep listerine in my mouth for a few minutes to numb it and then pierced it. it feels weird, like u feel the needle go through but its not so much painful and it is odd lol.. but after.. omg lol. the swelling hurts alotttt. i was only able to eat ice cream for like a week. its hard to get use to at first but itll be okay after a week. my suggestion to you is to make sure you take care of it because if you get an infection its gross and verryy painful. brush your teeth a few times a day and rinse with listerine and glyoxide a few times a day. dont smoke or drink for a little while after either. just be careful and make sure your going to a good place thats clean.

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