
I wanna get rock band for my son, and we live in apts.?

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i was wondering if there is a volume to control the drums and guitar i would hate to get put out because of this.




  1. well the drums don't make too much sound. they will usually only bug someone if they were in the next room or somethin like that. you should be fine

  2. there's volume on the t.v and that will control all the sound.

  3. As far as volume or peripheral noise goes?

    For volume, you can go into the game and mute the sound of the guitar or the drums in an in-game pause menu.

    As far as the peripherals goes, the Guitar shouldn't be much of a problem. The only problem you may run into are the (insanely annoying) clicky fret buttons, but those will just get on your nerves. The drums, however, may be a problem. The Wii version is quieter, but only somewhat. I would suggest getting silencers (They run roughly around $10-20, depending on where you get them and how good they are) or being a "technical" drummer, and not to smash the drums (which is what I do, and they make A LOT of noise on the expert songs) just tapping the pads, not hitting them very hard.

    But, what I would suggest is just getting the GAME Rock Band, not the special edition set, but just the game CD, and wait for Rock Band 2 to come out. They'll have quieter instruments, and you can pretty much knock out two birds with one stone there. The instruments are backwards compatible, so you can play two games with the same peripherals.

    Hope this helped! And I hope your son enjoys Rock Band. It is a really fun game!


  4. for the drums, there are these special drum silencers, which cost an additional $20. for the guitar, it doesn't make much sound.

  5. How old is your son? if he's under 10 years old you might reconsider seeing that he will probably make alot of noise hitting the rim of the play dums, and also the clicking from the guitar strummer can get can just turn the volume on the tv down. But the point is, is that it is percussion, and there will be noise

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