
I wanna go out but I can't. Grounded ALL summer. What can I do?

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My "friend" stole A *ONE* cigerette outta a packet that were in my garden, she thought someone had lost them and they hadn't turned out it was my Mum's. Im grounded all freaking summer!! Any ideas what I can do?




  1. You are grounded all summer because YOUR FRIEND (not you) stole ONE cigarette from your mum?

    Your parents sound insane.

  2. HAHA Not my prob


  4. not much apatr from text email your freinds e.t.c.

  5. Nothing,it sucks for you.

  6. Well it seems like you can use the computer there is always something to do up there....I'm not sure about the phone but if you can use that talk to someone who has nothing else better to do and we all have one of those friends who does nothing all a book....and if you are home alone during the day and you are willing to risk getting into more trouble invite someone over and just hope that you don't get caught.....or try to bargin with your mom so that you can get off of punishment early you still have like a month left to possibly have fun it won't hurt to try.....if all else fails tv is always an option

  7. how do you get on the computer if you are grounded? if you want to get out why dont you try and talk to her about the situtation and she might let you go somewhere.

  8. Hey I have an idea! Why dont you write an insanely long "apology note" to your mom explaining what happened in the nicest way you can! Then She'll see you are being nice etc. And maybe you will have some extra priveledges!

  9. get a hobby that you enjoy and is a good way to pass time.

    painting, knitting, making clothes, photography, cooking/baking, jewlrey making, reading, scrapbooking, pottery, dancing, gardening, magic tricks, playing an instrument, puzzles, computer/video games, quilting.

    Also, if you want to earn your parents trust back, you could try to get on their good side and do some chores around the house.

    Good luck!

  10. tell your parents it wasnt you and they can ground u or w/e but its summer and your guna go out anyway

  11. let your mom cool down for a week or two. Like be a good kid and etc. and make sure to start doing chores and things to help around the house. If you mom asks why you are doing this say you just wanted to help around for once. Then she will notice the effort, a week after starting these chores, then have a talk with her and be completely honest on what happened and that you will make sure it will never happen again and if it would be possible that maybe in a little bit you can go out with a girl or something.

    good luck man

    i dealt with a similar problem and this is how i fixed it

    best answer?

  12. Ha, good for your Mum.

    Start reading. Books. It's a good habit to get into.

  13. talk to your mom about it and try to make a deal with her

  14. well you can clean your room, do some chores around the house, although your mom didnt say anything about having people over? or does it mean your grounded and all if the above?

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