
I wanna go to a public high school!! :)?

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My mom she kept me in public school since preschool all the way through 8th grade. In the middle of 8th grade i got my report card and i got 3 F's and my mom went to talk to my teacher about the issue so she did and she just pulled me right out of public school like that! So i am in 10th now and i have finally decided to go to a real school. My friend across the street she goes to the high school i wanna go to she told me i would fit in but with a school of 3,500 kids um i don't think so! I have A.D.D and with my disorder i am quiet and i don't ask for help or anything. My parents told me i don't think i could survive there and to tell them the truth i don't think i could either. I have until Monday to make a decision and trust me this decision is not gonna be easy. They also told me that i can't drop out of that school and i have to stick with it. I need help with this so much! Anyone have an oppinion. Please no rude answers.




  1. I say go for it. You probbably are smart enough for it. MAke a couple of freinds who can help you out when you need it. Teachers are always there to help you. And if you need more help you always have yahoo answers. So you should try it it should make you more social.

  2. Well, I myself am disabled. (I was born with spina bifida) and with that, I am also shy in asking for help, due to the fact everyone thinks i need help with everything. so i like to prove them wrong. But, what I usually do is after school, go to the Special Ed teacher and ask he/she for help. she helps me understand it better and helps me with the work

  3. I would seriously stay in private school. You might not like me for saying this but it is the only way you can make a good choice, you have to ask God whats best and he will show you. It's best not to make a choice without his opinion. Good luck!

  4. I think you should go, you can't run from the disorder and have to learn how to exist with it. If you cant survive high school, how do you expect to survive the real world.

    High school is a once in a lifetime opportunity, everyone has they're own problems, and only the insecure and ignorant people will cause problems.

    I believe High School is important to help you come of age and learn how to grow into adult.

    And once again, might as well learn to adapt now, rather than running from "what might of been"

    Study, get help if you need it, and just try to enjoy yourself

  5. Trust me stay in private for as long as you can that's what i go to but I've ben there forever and i no I'm ready to get out. but you have ben to public school and trust me private will offer you more. the teachers there want to help you to your full ability. I'd stay with the school you're at.  

  6. Hmm...hard situation. Well since this in home schooling I am assuming you home schooled from the middle of 8th grade to the end of 9th grade and you are just about to go into 10th grade. I'd say if you couldn't stand it at the high school, then you should stick with home schooling. Your parents should probably talk to the principal to ask how they deal with teens who have A.D.D. I think that if you have heard really good things about the school and there are rarely any behavior etc. problems are your school, then you should go for it! But you really, I mean really should not listen to any strangers (ehem, me), so this weekend really talk to your parents about it, and if you feel that it's not right for you, then don't go for it.  

  7. If you don't think you'd survive there and nobody else around you thinks it's a good idea, what is there to decide?

    Have you asked the high school if they'll recognize the work you've done so far for high school? (Are you somewhere where high school starts in gr. 9?) You could end up being held back if you were doing just regular homeschooling.

  8. Well if your getting the help you need at the school you are in now you should stay there, because you will not get that kinda of help at a public school. And when you ask for extra help at a public school it does stand out that you need more help than others, sooo I dunno about the fitting in part. I would stay in the school you are at now.

  9. If you really feel uncomfortable making the change, then I would say to stay where you are.  You know what your own limits are, so really think about it.

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