
I wanna go to florida by train from newyork does any1 know what train i have to take?

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i wanna go see my step dad but i don't wanna take a plane any1 know what train to take? im in new york right now




  1. To go to Florida, you will either have to take the Silver Star(#91) or the Silver Meteor(#97). The Palmetto now only goes to Savannah, GA. The Meteor will be your most direct and quickest way to go.

  2. You would take either the Silver Star #91 or the Silver Meteor #97 to get to Florida.

  3. You have 3 options.

    The Silver Meteor, the Palmetto, and the Silver Star. They all go to Flordia.

    You can make a reservation on Its simply and easy. Also tells you what the trains are and were they go, how long it takes, and what price it is..

  4. Train Name                           Palm-   Silver   Silver                        

                                         etto     Star    Meteor                        

    Train Number                          R89      R91      R97                          

    Days of Operation                    Daily    Daily    Daily                        

                              miles                            .                  

    Days of Operation                     Daily    Daily    Daily          

    Boston, MA                   0  Dp     9:45p    6:05a    9:35a                      

    New York, NY               231                                                      

    Washington, DC             457  Ar  7:00a    2:00p    5:20p              

    New York, NY      (ET)       0  Dp     6:15a   11:08a    3:15p                      

      Penna Sta.                                                                        

    Newark, NJ                  10       P 6:31a  P11:30a  P 3:38p                      

    Trenton, NJ                 58       P 7:05a  P12:10p  P 4:18p                      

    Philadelphia, PA-30th St.   91       P 7:36a  P12:45p  P 4:52p                      

    Wilmington, DE             116       P 8:01a  P 1:10p  P 5:16p                      

    Baltimore, MD-Penn Sta.    185       P 8:51a  P 2:00p  P 6:20p                      

    Washington, DC             225  Ar                                                  

                                    Dp   P 9:54a  P 3:05p  P 7:30p                      

    Alexandria, VA             234        10:11a    3:25p  P 7:50p                      

    Quantico, VA               260         ----     ----     ----                        

    Fredericksburg, VA         280         ----     ----     ----                        

    Richmond, VA               334  Ar    11:49a    5:09p    9:40p                      

                                    Dp    11:59a    5:19p    9:50p                      

    Petersburg, VA             362        12:29p    5:57p   10:24p                      

    Rocky Mount, NC            460         1:56p    7:29p   11:56p                      

    Wilson, NC                 476         2:14p    ----     ----                        

    Selma, NC (Smithfield)     502         2:41p    ----     ----                        

    Raleigh, NC                531         ----     9:13p    ----                        

    Cary, NC                   540                  9:27p                                

    Fayetteville, NC           550        3:27p     1:29a                                

    Dillon, SC                 603        4:14p                                          

    Florence, SC               633  Ar    5:06p     3:20a                                

                                    Dp  B 5:11p     3:28a                                

    Kingstree, SC              672        5:47p     4:05a                                

    Charleston, SC             728        6:46p     5:06a                                

    Yemassee, SC               782        7:35p     5:56a                                

    Southern Pines, NC         599                 10:39p                                

    Hamlet, NC                 628                 11:21p                                

    Camden, SC                 701                 12:50a                                

    Columbia, SC               734                  1:44a                                

    Denmark, SC                784                  2:51a                                

    Savannah, GA           Ar  829        8:34p     4:29a    6:44a                      

    (mileage via Columbia) Dp  871                  4:34a    6:50a                      

    Jessup, GA                 881                  ----     7:44a                      

    Jacksonville, FL (ET)      977  Ar              6:55a    9:23a                


    B -- Amtrak Thruway Bus connection at Florence, SC.                                  

    P -- Train stops only to receive passengers.                                        

    R -- Reservations required on this train.                                            

    Rs - Reservations required on this train for travel south of Washington.

  5. Take the train with the word "Miami" on the marquee sign or call Amtrak for further information.

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