
I wanna go vegetarian, but I dont know how to explain to my family?

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My family loves meat, but since a few weeks ago i was thinking of going vegetarian. I'm gradually giving up meats n poultry, etc, but what do i say if mom wants to make chicken for dinner? (and usually its unlike me to reject chicken)

I just aint sure how to explain to my folks. They'd kinda think i got the idea from the Simpsons episode i saw a few days ago (Lisa goes vegetarian in that one). i dont want them thinking THAT! sure, it made me think about it more, but it didnt start everything!




  1. The best thing to do is just explain that you are going to be a vegetarian and here is general things you can and cannot eat and maybe why you want to do it. Be calm cool and collected about it, maybe even show them lists of famous vegetarians (not that they matter much but maybe it might warm your parents up to the idea more if they know that Bob Barker and Forest Whitaker are both vegetarians (just as an example))

    Here is lists:

    I also highly suggest cooking them some good vegetarian food, my dad is a meat eater and he does complain when I am cooking him a veg./vegan and there is no meat but once he is done eating he is always quite satisfied (and I tell him "see I told you so") Food works well when convincing people to go veg. if they see it is not all steamed vegetables and plain tofu they might warm up a bit more to it.

    Then again with my dad, it wasn't too hard because A. I already got him used to me being an activist (which was tough as he was a conservative) and B. he already liked my cooking and I have been cooking for a while.

    I wish you luck and don't be afraid, you need to be yourself and you can never ever ever let anyone tell you who to be or how to be, that is your choice.

    For recipes I would suggest this site (I haven't made anything from it yet but everything looks really good)

    I would give you some of my recipes but I don't want to make this too long (though feel free to PM me for some or suggestions, I can usually turn most things vegetarian and many times vegan)

  2. I would tell them that you are going to try it for a week to see how you feel. I wouldn't go into details unless they ask, they might just leave it at that. Otherwise, you can explain why you want to try it. Is it because it is better for the environment? Your health? You don't like factory farming? You can look up videos on youtube and gross yourself (and them) out.  

    Maybe offer to make dinner (don't mention the vegetarian thing) and make a yummy vegetarian meal? After a few of those, tell them that you really aren't missing meat, and that you made the switch. There are lots of good recipe sources online, like

    Good luck!

    I wanted to add, I love that the Simpsons episode made you think more about it! I wouldn't be embarrassed by that!

  3. You might want to let your parents know that a balanced vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of obesity, which is a huge public health concern when it comes to minors, diabetes II, heart disease, digestive problems, some cancers, kidney disease, kidney stones, and gallstones.

    It may be important for them to know that a well-balanced vegetarian diet can also provide adequate protein, and with careful menu planning, vegetarians can meet their nutritional needs using the Vegetarian Food Guide Pyramid.

    People become vegetarians for a number of reasons: Religious, Ethical, and Food-Safety. Several religions prohibit or restrict the consumption of animal flesh; some people feel it is morally and ethically wrong to consume animals, because they view the practices in the modern animal industries as inhumane; there is also a great deal of concern about meat-handling practices, as contaminated meat is allowed into our food supply (example: Mad Cow Disease); and others practice vegetarianism because of its health benefits. Research over seven years has consistently shown that a varied and balanced vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

  4. If they really want to know, have them watch Earthlings.

    If they don't want to understand why you made the decision and they don't want to help you do it right, refuse to talk to them about it, they aren't mature enough to handle this.

    The following will help you maintain your health and help you endure criticism.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegan people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  5. U have to b commited to it if ur gonna do it. Ur family should support u and not discourage u. I've been vegetarian since I was 3, which was my choice (my parents eat meat) and almost every person that knows I'm veg thinks its a really cool thing to do. If ur mom want to make u chicken just b like umm wth I'm veg I don't eat that. U could ask her to make u fake chicken instead. U

    CAN do it don't let any1 discourage u! :)

  6. "Hey mom and dad, I've been thinking about going vegetarian for X, Y, and Z reasons. I know you probably don't agree, but if you agree to at least respect my diet, I'll respect yours."

  7. I told my family by just, well telling them... they were behind me 100%! Although they didn't think that i would stick with it, i did... Family friends have made jokes about it and have told me that by me not eating meat, doesn't make the difference, that they still are being killed, but i just tell them that it is starting the difference, and if i do it, more people will too. Try to get some of them to do it with you! Maybe that will help you stay motivated to do it too! Go onto and show them the video on there as well. The video is what really turned me off of meat, as well as the fact that i am probably the biggest animal lover out there! No matter what they say, stay with it, everybody should respect the animals and their rights! Its not right for people to kill animals for meat! Hopefully that video will help too! Maybe just show your family the video then say, this is why I am going to be a vegetarian. I hope you stay with it! Good luck!

  8. Um..... well... how did I do this when I was four? Omg, lets not go about it THAT way... gosh no... (I've been a vegan for a week or so, vegetarian since back then) Ok~! Got an idea~! Wait till you're alone with your mom... "Mama~! I've got something to tell you..." *dramatic pause, purposeful look in your eyes* "I want to be a vegetarian." Explain yourself THOROUGHLY and give good reasons. Make it sound convincing, and burst with confidence! Give suggestions as to how to eat around meat-foods, and with any luck, you'll be one of us~!

  9. Pick a random moment while your with them and be all like, "I'm thinking about being a vegetarian."

  10. If you truly want to be vegetarian, it will be easy to tell them.  If you can strongly justify it to yourself, then it won't be a problem justifying it to others.  And they'll understand (or try to anyway).

  11. Heh, this was a hard one for me too.

    The best way would be to say something like "so I'm thinking about going vegetarian". At this point they'll either tell you it's unhealthy, or be supportive. If the former, find ways to prove their arguements wrong. If the latter, consider yourself lucky.

    Offer to cook your own food if you know how, so there's no inconvenience to whoever cooks the main meals.

  12. i had the same problem at first but now my moms cool with it.

    i told my mom me and my friend were going to try out being veg for one week.

    she was fine with that btw.

    when the week was over i just said i think im going to stay vegetarian if thats ok with you.

    worked like a charm. (:

    but if that wont work for your family just sit them down and tell them.

    after all. it is YOUR life and you have the ability to make your own desisions.


    read some of those for inspiration

    I would say, explain you want to be a vegetarian

    give them these articles

    After, stay consistent, stay strong. Once you go veg don't eat meat. If you do they will think your vegetarianism is a joke.  

  14. You can take it gradually if you like, just start cutting down on how much meat you eat as you learn about vegetarian nutrition, and learn to start cooking alternative meals for yourself.

    It may be easier for your family to adjust if they've seen you making the transition, and know that you know what you're doing. They may be worried about your health: many people don't realize that you can be perfectly healthy without meat. Show them you know how to cook healthy meals for yourself and can get all the protein a growing woman needs.

    That said, you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing. If you really don't want to eat chicken, just explain to your mom that you'd rather not; and it's not that you don't like her cooking. :) Fried or baked tofu or seitan is a nice alternative to chicken.

  15. Great answers so far!

          Go for it, but take responsibility for your decision too Research the nutrition sites recommended, and take some veg cookbooks out of the library

    It is not fair to your parents to expect them to cook divided meals if they are still carnivores. Get into the kitchen, and try out some veg recipes as a side dish for the family, and main course for yourself. Help with making a salad, vegetable dishes and fruit deserts.

           Many dishes, can just substitute a veg protien for the meat Ie, make a great vegetarian spaghetti sauce, reserfve some for your self. You family can add their meat to the rest, and you can add cannelii beans for pasta fazoola, or  veggie burger "balls".

      Have fun, learn your stuff, and if your family doesn't join you, at least they will gain a healthy respect at your mature attitude

  16. Just say mom, dad, I have great news to tell you! Sit them down and say I plan to take charge of my life! I plan to eat healthy and be healthy, with my new habits I plan to live long and be healthier and cut the risk of many diseases affecting are society today. I plan to be happier and look fresher. I plan to help the environment and make my carbon foot print on this earth smaller. I am going to be helping end world hunger as well as the mass slaughter of billions of animals. Mom, dad I have become vegetarian! If you have questions you can read The China Study, watch Earthlings, go to the websites and, and search online. I feel this is the right thing to do for me and my body as well as the earth and animals. I hope you can respect and understand my descion, and maybe join me in this amazing life of veg*anism!

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