
I wanna have a sweet 13????any ideas?????

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i wanna invite all my firends boys and girls but i have no idea i want it to be bubbly retro,hot but how should i do it




  1. Livys idea is cute...make it a 'goodbye to my youth' party, and have party bags, party hats, barbie plates, classics like pin the tail on the donkey, pinata, relays, water balloon fights, brother did this when he was like 18, and even though it seemed silly, all his friends ended up having the BEST time ever!

  2. Umm whatever you think would be cool.

  3. since its summer you should have an hawian theme

  4. Make everything hot pink.

  5. a "sweet 13"?

  6. Find 13 friends' parents that will help and have a progressive party.  Go to 13 different homes/places and have activities planned at each one.  Good luck and have fun!

  7. I wish I had had one... but what my friend did is they rented a HUGE bouncy house to celebrate the end of "the era of my child hood" is how she put it:P Rent a bouncy house! And bounce like there's not tomorrow! :P lol

  8. there are so many themes for teens... I found this site very interesting:

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