
I wanna help homeless kids but im only 15 so i dont really know what i can do to help?

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I wanna help homeless kids but im only 15 so i dont really know what i can do to help?




  1. Utilize the internet. I bet your city has a website that you can go to and read about how problems of homelessness are dealt with, together with names of organizations that deal with the homeless in your city. You can then go to the websites of those organizations and see what volunteer programs they have. I am not sure if 15 is not too early in the face of law to be able to help out (I don't see why not, but you know how it is with those stupid laws), but I am almost sure you can do any work before it is very late and not in the dangerous areas of the city. Good Luck!

  2. volunteer at a soup kitchen

  3. Most cities have organizations which help the homeless, temporarily homeless and provide meals or clothing.  Or you can ask your local church how to help locally.

  4. Find an organization near you that help people. Or go online and find a group of people doing the same thing. Or start one.

  5. Here is a site full of info and ideas so you can really do things that help.   It is so great that you want to do that.  

    Basic stuff you can do.

    1.  Learn about homelessness so you know what you are talking about then start talking.   For ex did you know that the average homeless person in the US is a 7 yr old child?   Did you know many maybe most homeless parent do work but don't make enough to keep a stable home?  Did you know that everywwhere in the US homeless kids have a right to go to school even w/out a permanent address?  

    2.  When you go through clothes you have outgrown take things that are still good to a shelter that has kids staying there.   You may need to drop things off at the organization office to protect the privacy and safety of ppl at the shelter.   If you later see someone wearing what you gave keep that info to yourself but just be nice to that person.  They may need a friend.  Get your friends to do this with their clothes too.   Add in a few stuffed animas and toys that dont take batteries and a few kids books.

    3. Take the great $1 challenge and get friends to do it too

    4. Get your friends or youth group or team or whole school  to start a Kids Can drive   This is where each kid brings at least one can of nonperishible food to go to families in need.     Theme Kids Can Make A Difference - with a Can.

    5.  If you know someone who may be having a hard time be a real friend.  Listen a lot.   Offer to keep stuff at your place if they loose their place to live.   You know the stuff that is treasures to someone your age. You can understand that if everything the family had had to go in the trunk of a car  or in a couple of duiffel bags there just wouldn't be room but it would be heart breaking to loose it.    Suggest studying together at your place or at the library. It's awfully hard to keep your mind of  studies when everything is all confused and you don't know where your going to sleep the next few nights.  Studing with a friend can help.  If they have a pet ask your folks if you can be a foster home for the pet if you think that's something your family would be OK with doing.  Homeless pets end up at aimal shelters and there are not a lot of no kill shelters around.   Knowing their pet is safe can help a lot.

    6. Suggest that your youth group or other group have a sleep out or a lock in to raise awareness.  or do some other findraiser like a car wash for a family shelter.or to help a speciic family you know. Here's what one group does

    You could start smaller and simpler,  just spend the night on the gymn or church fellowship hall floor or outside on the ground or in boxes w/o Ipods et all serve supper of soup or beans and rice,  watch a film about homelessness which you can get from http://www.homesforthe  

    7.  Year round you can do a sock drive (or a version of the sock hop where you organize ppl who hop to raise money for socks)   In winter add in mittens and hats too.  

    To find shelters near you where kids stay ask your counselor at school or your pastor.  If the counselor doesn't know he or she should at least be able to tell you who the liaison for homeless students is for your school district and they will know,   You can also go to to find info about domestic volence shelters near you.   When there is violence in the family sometimes kids need to be at a shelter for a while.

  6. Are there any where you are?  Tutor them.  They have a hard time in school due to moving around.

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