
I wanna kno about PUNE - its people, food, transport, political issues.......etc?

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i hv got a job in pune nd my hometown is jamshedpur, so i just want those informations...... help me.....




  1. Hi,

    Pune is my home town

    its so beautiful, peaceful city........

    check this for more info

    travel related

    political info

    education related

  2. Welcome to Poona or Pune ...

    The city has expanded very 'horribly' right before my eyes. Being an old Poonaite, I am dissappopinted by the ultra-rapid expansion of this city.

    However, Poona has still its arms kept open for any outsider; no matter from where in India he (or she) comes from!

    The people here are the Maharashtrians who in the city-area speak or converse only in Marathi-language. They are scheming-lot; you have to be very vary of them.

    The best place to live in the city is the Camp area; where English-language is widely spoken and accepted. Being a military-area (Poona is the HQs of the Southern Command), the Camp will liven and excite you like no other part.

    The food is excellent - both vegetarian and non-veg. However, since you are not used to the 'dishes' served over here, my advice to you is to straight for the Veg. dishes - it will help get in touch with the non-veg. ones The favourite Maharashtrian dishes are: dal, roti, rice and vegetarian-dishes.  Among the non-veg. are: chicken. beef, mutton. The market - popularly called the Cantonment Market - stores the 'raw materials for all these dishes.

    Popular Restaurants in the Camp-area are: Dorabjee's (Situated on Dastur Meher Road), Cate Diamond (Moledina Road; next to Varma Studio), Cafe Blue Nile (Bund Garden Road; opp. Poona Club); and on  East Street there are a chain of restaurants serving from Mughlai, Vegetarian to Chinese dishes.

    This city has a very poor public transport - the buses are never on time; if in time, they come 'full' with little space to share. So, auto rickshaws do brisk business. Although, if you take them singularly, they will surely pinch your pocket, try sharing the rickshaw with others (this is acceptable to many).

    Politically, it is a dead city - no political activity takes place in this city - although, at times, this city erupts into a fireball in the City-area; not the Camp, which is relatively peaceful.

    I hope I have answered all your questions. If you feel like asking some more, then kindly contact me.

  3. I find pune to be a very Liveable city....

    It's full of live...

    The transport Facility is growing by leaps and bounce in pune due to the Common wealth games that are Scheduled to be held here...

    in pune you can have all the life style depending upon on how deep your pocket is....

    its a safe city to live and work in but from the past 5 or 6 years the crime rate is on the rise...

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