
I wanna know how to stop going on the internet because it takes up all of my day!?

by  |  earlier

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It seems that everyday i get up and the first thing that pops into my head is to go on to the internet. I would rather be doing something else but i always get caught up. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and i've been asking for his help to stop going on but i usually do anyways. How can i stop?




  1. Go to Church.

    Get a job.

    See a trick cyclist.

    Get a life.

  2. Bite the bullet and get rid of the internet for a while and find other interests.

  3. Try finding a book you like to read.

  4. Remember these two words....

  5. you can go outside. Hang out with some friends. read a book. talk to your gf. go out for a drive. eat. dine out. take a relaxing shower.  

  6. Well one way is to get rid of your internet service. If you don't have the access then you can't go on. Another way is to put a note on your computer reminding you not to go on or to only be on for a certain amount of time and train yourself to stick to that. for example Say you will only go on for 1 hour a day and stick to it. If you feel yourself wavering from your goal of not being on it then get up turn the computer off and go for a walk.

    It's hard to do but it takes determination and will power. You can truly do it if you want to

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