
I wanna know some good chess strategies I am getting my *** whipped please help???

by  |  earlier

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I lose almost everytime i need some advice or poiners ok i am desperate




  1. 1) Learn the basic openings.  Read a book or check in Google.

    2) Practice.

    3) Take your time and think like you're the opponent.

    4) Play with yourself. Practice.

    If i have time, i would like to play with you. ^_^

  2. I'd agree for the most part with haseo ... his suggestion to "play with yourself" doesn't sound like it will improve your chess skills though ...

    I could also add another suggestion to always think ahead. Always plan your next move or series of moves. Imagine what your opponent might do in response and have a plan B.

  3. 1) Move the central pawns first. Much of the exchanges at the start will happen at the centre and you must have an advantage in the trade.

    2) Develop (Move) knights before bishops.

    3) Never move wing pawns at the start. You'll need passed pawns to develop into queens at the end.

    4) Don't get the queen out too early

    5) Go for exchanges if you have an advantage.

    6) Castle early.

    7) Don't let your opponent castle

    8) Don't declare check on the opponent for fun. Checking isn't great if there's no other point to it.

    9) If your opponent has his/her queen out, attack the queen with lesser powers to give yourself a better chance of getting forward.

    10) Become your own opponent. Whenever your opponent makes a move, virtually transport yourself to their position to discover what they may be up to.

    11) Trust yourself and not the opponent. If your opponent has a higher rating, it doesn't mean that their game is devoid of mistakes. If you think there is no point in your opponent's move, you may be right. If your 'better' opponent has just given you a chance to grab his/her queen, take it. Don't think you'll be checkmated eventually.

    12) Practice

    More in '50 Chess tips'. It's a great eBook.

  4. go to and click on new to chess lots of info

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