
I wanna know where my dad was buried? he died active duty from the airforce and was born in maryland?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna know where my dad was buried? he died active duty from the airforce and was born in maryland?




  1. Try the web site below, if not try the Air Force Direct.

    Good luck and good hunting

  2. Try this site.  It has veterans grave locations.

  3. Contact the Veteran's Administration.  They should have the death records and burial information regarding your father.

  4. he is probably somewhere floating out at sea

  5. If you send me his name and date of death (month and year is good if you have it), I'll run it through the military grave database.

  6. He was probably buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Check the source link for more information. Good luck!

  7. Get a hold of the airforce, they have all his records!

  8. What's his name?

  9. well ask you mom and other family members isnt it sad when that happends my grandpa died defending this country and i am only 10 he died when i was 5

  10. Have you contacted the airforce to see if they have a record of it, if he died in combat, they had to release the body to someone, or he's buried in a Military Cemetery like Arlington National Cemetary.

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